Looking for the perfect gift for a Mom of young kids?
I love my Green Kids Crafts Subscription!
This is not an ad. My sister gave me this subscription box as a gift for my son’s Christmas present at 2.5 years old. A little Green box is sent to my son every week, and it gives us something fun to do together.

Green Kids Crafts Subscription
Why I love it?

I love getting Mail and my son loves it too!

It breaks us out of the same old routine.
I imagine preschools do fun crafts like these, but I never feel like I have the time to think of crafts to do. These make them really easy to do.

We learn about new stuff.
-This month was dinosaurs, and my son hasn’t learned much about dinosaurs yet so it was fun to do something new.
I think the boxes would be really awesome for 4 year olds too, but I love doing them with my 2.5 year old.
Our box usually has a few different activities inside, and they give you everything you need such as glue or popsicle sticks, etc. I think they have inspired me to see how some simple things I have at home could be used as well.
For a year, they are $24.95 per month. I probably wouldn’t buy it myself, because it wouldn’t be in my budget, but I absolutely loved it as a gift. A few months of boxes could be a great gift for Grandparents to gift without adding more toys to your house! The boxes are very educational and I look forward to doing them too.
Like I said, this is not an ad, just my honest opinion on the Green Kids Craft Boxes.