I want to share a few posts on some of my favorite resources for motherhood and fertility. I want to start with a course / program designed to help Mamas get pregnant in the healthiest natural way possible. I know a lot of women struggle with fertility, and I think this would be a good place to start for any women thinking about or trying to get pregnant, and want to be as healthy as possible. This program has simplified the tips to help Moms do the best they can for their little ones starting before birth and continuing on after the babies are born.

This is a brand new program that has been in the works for over four years. The program was created primarily by Liz Wolfe and Meg the Midwife (but has other top notch contributors and medical researchers as well). The best part about this program is that Liz and Meg continue to update the program with more information as they more and more information is released. If you buy the program, you continue to receive these updates as they improve and add information to the program.